Whether you’re an experienced meditator or new to the world of meditation, the following Meditation Session Preparation Do’s and Don’ts are essential to consider before diving into your meditation practice. These invaluable insights are designed to optimize your sessions and unlock the transformative benefits of meditation.
Meditation Session Preparation
Prior to your session, prepare a space that is conducive to your transition into the meditative state. This could include some place that is quiet and peaceful with minimal external distractions. Prioritize cultivating an environment that will support the deepening of your meditative practice.
Cultivate an Environment that Encourages Meditation
When joining the Zoom meeting, you will be asked to share your audio and video. Please share both, if possible, as this aids my ability to most effectively monitor your progress. If you’re not comfortable participating via video, simply select to share your audio. Video participation is not required but strongly encouraged.
Participate with Audio and Video
Confirm that your phone or laptop (or other device with Zoom access) is fully charged and functioning properly (including cellular signal or wi-fi connection) well in advance of your session to ensure you'll be able to successfully connect to the Zoom meeting. Be sure to login to the Zoom meeting at least a few minutes prior to your scheduled session start time to give yourself time to get connected, settle in and get comfortable before the session starts.
Plan Ahead & Arrive Promptly
Instinctive Meditation is a unique meditation style and experience that may vary widely from other techniques you've practiced before. In order to receive the maximum benefit from this approach, come with an open mind and a willingness to explore the principles of meditation it employs. Approach meditation with a child-like curiosity, free from expectations, and allow yourself to fully engage in the present moment to experience the benefits of this meditative practice.
Come with an Open Mind
Choose clothing that allows for ease of movement and promotes a sense of physical ease and relaxation. Appropriate clothing won't restrict your range of motion, enabling you to sit, stretch, and move comfortably during the session.
Wear Comfortable, Loose-Fitting Clothing
Having thoughts in meditation is natural and healthy. It's a misconception that thoughts have no place in meditation. Thinking is a healthy part of the brain's natural functioning so having lots of thoughts in meditation is natural, healthy, and critical to the integration of all levels of your being. Instead of suppressing yourself or your thoughts, give your awareness the freedom to flow naturally and effortlessly. Instead of trying to find stillness, allow yourself to enter the flow of the meditative experience more deeply through allowing.
Welcome Thoughts
If you're new to meditation, it's imperative that you cultivate patience with yourself and appreciate that meditation is a skill that can take time to develop. Recognize that meditation is a gradual process of self-awareness and self-discovery and have compassion for yourself as you navigate this deeply rewarding practice.
Be Patient with Yourself
Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification if any doubts or concerns arise. Remember, no question is too small or insignificant when it comes to deepening your understanding of meditation.
Ask Questions and Seek Clarification When Needed
If you'd like, you're encouraged to bring a notebook and pen to write down any noteworthy thoughts, insights, or experiences you have. This can be helpful for tracking your progress and staying motivated.
Come Prepared to Take Notes…Just in Case
There's no wrong way to experience meditation. Avoid judging yourself or your experience and commit to being fully present with whatever the experience has in store. Have fun!
It's important you maintain a gentle and non-judgmental attitude towards yourself and your practice to avoid creating unnecessary barriers to your meditative experience. Cultivate self-compassion and let go of any tendency to compare or judge your meditation practice. Recognize that progress unfolds in its own time and emphasize fostering patience and acceptance of whatever arises during your meditation.
Judge Yourself or Your Practice
Allow your body and mind to follow their natural intelligence by doing what comes naturally. Remember, meditation is natural so you don't have to 'try' to do it, you simply need to allow yourself to flow, or progress, into it. Don't force yourself into uncomfortable positions and instead, find postures that feel good. Avoid straining or forcing at all costs.
Force Anything
Recording of any kind, including screen shots, during Group Meditation Sessions is strictly prohibited out of respect for the privacy of all participators. You're welcome to audio record your private one-on-one meditation consultations, although video recording of any session is prohibited.
Record Group Meditation Sessions
You are strongly encouraged to avoid consuming heavy meals or caffeine immediately before your sessions as they can affect your ability to relax and concentrate. Instead, delay meals until after your session or opt for light, nourishing snacks or meals before sessions to maintain an alert and balanced state throughout.
Consume Large Meals or Caffeine Prior to Your Session
While meditation does have immediate benefits like relaxation, reduced stress, and increased focus, there are other benefits like improved emotional regulation, increased self-awareness, and enhanced clarity of thought which often develop gradually as you continue to practice over an extended period of time. Embrace that meditation is a gradual process that unfolds at its own pace and focus on the process instead of the outcome.
Expect to Experience All Benefits of Meditation Immediately
It's imperative you participate in your meditation session with a clear, unaltered state of mind, free from the influence of substances that may hinder your mood, concentration, clarity, or self-awareness. Alcohol and other legal and illegal substances can negatively affect your ability to be present, mindful, and ultimately transition into the meditative state. By maintaining a sober and balanced state, you can fully engage in the practice and experience its benefits more deeply.
Participate Under the Influence
Avoid feeling obligated to participate in any activities or techniques that make you uncomfortable. Be empowered to honor your boundaries and personal preferences. If a particular technique or activity doesn't resonate with you or causes discomfort, feel free to modify or skip it. Prioritize your well-being and comfort at all times.
Feel Obligated - Only Participate in What Feels Good to You
Please avoid interrupting or disturbing others during group meditation classes. Refrain from engaging in disruptive behaviors, such as talking loudly or creating unnecessary disturbances, to create a serene space for all participants. Maintain a respectful and peaceful environment for everyone by cultivating an atmosphere of respect and harmony.
Interrupt or Disturb Others in Group Meditation Settings
Like any new skill, meditation requires dedication and persistence to reap its full benefits. Embrace meditation as a long-term commitment even if you encounter challenges or feel discouraged at times. Trust that consistency and dedication will deepen your practice and yield profound results over time.
Give Up Easily